Finally I can start writing about peru, country in which we've been for now more than a week! I'll go over a bit quick since once again our internet place is closing soon and i 've been doing the saving of all my photos (we've lost soo many that now savings photos on Cds has become a priority!). So yes Peru... we arrived there on the 16th of Sept having our little trouble crossing the boarder as mentioned in the previous message. Once in Mancora our life suddenly became more cool...we relaxed a lot and loved the laid back ambiance of this place. Nothing to do but to lay on the beach, eat, drink, have a swim either in the sea or in our beach front hotel swimming pool (rooms with private bathroom, hotshowers, tv with cable, beachfront and swimming pool for 4$ a night)! We loved it and stood their two days, on the second night we grabbed a night bus. This last one was going to make us travel 1250km in 17hours at 1$ the hour of bus! It was long but cool since we had really good seats/beds, in a private area on the first floor of the bus and the road, following the coast was straight.
Once we arrived in Lima, Richard, a juggler, we had met in the bus, showed us a nicer part of the city a little outcentered, called Barranco. This nice suburb was originaly the place where rich people from Lima came for the week-ends decades ago, and which has been transformed now in a nice part, more relax, of the big increasing city of Lima. We liked this place, hanged around with Richard and his street friends, which led us to meet many very friendly young locals of this area. Apparently famous for its artistic side, our new friends were very cool and free people relying on their daily street show to live and buy just what is necessary (food, alcohol and weed). This night since it was Monica's birthday we went to a fancy restaurant in the new rich part of town "Miraflores". We all greatly appreciated this events allowing us to eat a lot of really good food for once! The party went on and we ended at 2am in a really cool bar where we had a really good quality concert of all Rage Against the Machine classics! Next day, on the morning I could finally watch for the first time a rugby game!! France won against Ireland but it was not an exciting game however I was happy and on the afternoon we visited the old center of Lima. As Richard had told us, it has nothing special but a few nice government colonial buildings so we went back to our prefered places, Miraflores and the seaside of Mancora. The next day, we took once again a night bus! We started our bus trip to Cusco on the 19th at 1h30pm and arrived on the 20th at 11h30am, after 22hours of bus! OUf, we looked for a hotel in Cusco ate something and slept a bit! La suite pour plutard mes cheris car le monsieur de l'internet me dit qu'il va fermer...juste pour les dernieres news, on part demain de Cusco apres y avoir visiter les ruines Incas des environs et biensur apres avoir fait un trek de 4 jours pour visiter le Matchu Pitchu! Tout ca fut exceptionnel (je raconterais plus en details un autre jour). Puno, le lac titicaca et la Bolivie sont au programme des prochains jours!
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