Ok so I had stopped when we were in Cahuita...This was a real nice little lost carribean town with its very easy going attitude. It reminded us of belize. Very calm all the buildings more or less maintened and a sort of "nobody cares" attitude which is quite suprising. We looked for a hotel and ended up in an old wood carribean house called "backpackers paradise"!!? we really looked for the paradise but with all the goodwill we had to find it it never showed up! We went on a walk and discover a really nice white sand beach with palm trees and dense vegetation just behind! we liked it a lot, it was the first time we appreciated a beach like that since tulum! Next day we went to discover another little town, known to be more touristy but nicer as well! We headed to puerto viejo...however when we arrived we were suprise to see it looked exactly the same as cahuita but in bigger and more touristy but not many bars, not even one main paved street...wired or really cool! it's the "pura vida" attitude that rules here, just enjoy life as it comes! We looked for a hotel a little bit more fun than previous night to stay and relax a few days! which we greatly did spending hours and hours in hamacs, on the white sand wild beaches surrounding the little town! We even rented bikes the national transport of the city and went to discover some other beach near the city. In fact the city beach apparently famous was a huge dirty black sand beach. So we went more south and found a splendid nice beach, with in its center three magnifique "metisse" girls!
As costa ricans in general they were really friendly and asked us to take them in picture! we were starving and had rented those bikes to go more south eat in a famous carribean restaurant, so we left our little paradise too nice to be real! The food was amazing but really expensive, we realised we could make a lot of savings cooking our own food with we greatly enjoyed and found back some home specialities PASTAS et à toutes les sauces pendant 3 jours!!
Bref apres ces delicieuses dernieres journees a ce doree la pillule et a faire des chateaux de sables, nous sommes repartis vers San Jose! Le lendemain un avion pour Quito nous attendait a 500$ le billet il fallait pas le rater!
Nous nous sommes choisis une ptite auberge de jeunesse et malgres les propositions incessante des chauffeurs de taxi pour nous y emmener, nous la trouverons nous meme et a pied grace au plan et a la fonction "boussole" de ma montre qui pour une fois m'a reellement servie (Merci papa).
Le lendemain nous retrouverons donc Sao Mai l'amie Suedo-vietnamienne d'Alex à l'aéroport et nous partirons pour Quito!!

Bref apres ces delicieuses dernieres journees a ce doree la pillule et a faire des chateaux de sables, nous sommes repartis vers San Jose! Le lendemain un avion pour Quito nous attendait a 500$ le billet il fallait pas le rater!
Nous nous sommes choisis une ptite auberge de jeunesse et malgres les propositions incessante des chauffeurs de taxi pour nous y emmener, nous la trouverons nous meme et a pied grace au plan et a la fonction "boussole" de ma montre qui pour une fois m'a reellement servie (Merci papa).
Le lendemain nous retrouverons donc Sao Mai l'amie Suedo-vietnamienne d'Alex à l'aéroport et nous partirons pour Quito!!
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