miércoles, 23 de enero de 2008

Crazy Blog!! Or Crazy me...

I have not written in this blog for now soo long!!! Such a shame... But the blog is chassing me and tells me every day to finish writing the story of this incredible trip I've passed through!

So, since I still have some time before I have to get completly back into my student life (my classes will start again on the beginning of February) I crazily decided to finish illustrating and commenting my Americalatina experience even though it has already ended a bit more than a month ago.

I was about to talk of how, after the crazy "W" trek we did in the most Southern Chilean National Park, Alex Nadja and I tryied to get to Ushuaia!

We decided to take a bus from Puerto Natales to Punta Arena since our adventure spirit had been fullfill by our trekking and camping expedition. When we got there, the bus prices to Ushuaia confirmed our previous research...too expensive to get there. Well, it did take that long for our intrepid spirit to get the idea of hitchhikking and for real this time!
We organized ourselves properly and as it was getting dark and hope was drastically shutting down a huge American Truck, stopped and accepted us three in his spacious cabin. The driver was incredibly nice and interesting, and was going in the good direction...Punta Delgada the passing place by boat tocross the Magellan detroit and land in the Mystic Tierra del Fuego.We even got to sleep in this truck as the sea was too rough and we had to wait till the middle of the night to cross the detroit.

Finally after, taking 7 different vehicule, sometimes leaving us in no man land, in the middle of incredible flat and deserted landscape, we could reach this surrealistic destination of every "globe trotteurs" dream...Ushuaia!

As said in many guide books and comments you can read...The city in itself has nothing special. But the location and the surroundings are still giving something irrealistic and fantastic to this place.

We did not stay very long and soon took a bus ride back up toward Buenos Aires...

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